Eat Well, Live Authentically, Thrive

You are here because you would like to eat well, live authentically, and Thrive. I have done exactly this and I can help and empower you to do the same with my powerful one-on-one highly individualized and highly personalized one-on-one coaching. I will help and empower you to:

  • Be a discerning consumer
  • Be Intentional with Eating
  • Eat cleaner
  • Eat nutrient-dense whole real foods and ditch the highly processed and boxed foods!!!
  • Eat Balanced for your Bio-Individual System
  • Crowd Out Fake Foods (Crowding out is about eating more real nutrient-dense foods so you stop craving fake bad foods because you are feeding and fueling your body with the real nutrient-dense foods your body and your brain need and your body will be satiated longer and satisfied!).
  • Do more home cooking
  • Work on your primary foods (the food not on your plate) like spirituality (whatever that looks like to you), finances, home cooking, home environment, joy, creativity, self-love, health, physical activity, social life, and career.
  • Get long-lasting changes with all aspects of your life!